Womenpriests Welcome You!

New Priest

Katherine Marie Elsner was called forth from Holy Family Inclusive Catholic Community in Springfield, Illinois where she was ordained a priest November 6. Great Waters’ newly ordained bishop, Mary Keldermans, was delighted that Rev. Katherine, a member of her own community, was her first ordination.

Who we Are

We are Roman Catholic Womenpriests, a prophetic organization within an international progressive movement in the Roman Catholic Church.

We prepare, ordain in apostolic succession, and support women (primarily) who are called by the Holy Spirit and their communities to a renewed priestly ministry rooted in justice and faithfulness to the Gospel. Learn more about our ministries and how to become a womanpriest.

A smiling group of womenpriests

Women celebrating a Mass

Celebrating in Community

Come celebrate liturgy with a womanpriest. Our ministry is rooted in justice and faithfulness to the Gospel.